The development of new technologies has resulted in "the information society and the communication ", a new social context with strong repercussions in the world of work, especially in the service sector. This subject aims to make the student aware of the
new trends in business supported by computer technologies, marketing, economy and sociology.
The automation of administrative processes and within them commercial transactions, the personnel control, purchasing management or logistics; are topics that will be addressed with the
appropriate computer tools, thereby achieving the optimum efficiency point and competitiveness demanded by the knowledge society.
The knowledge imparted is fundamental to forming a competitive professional in this globalized and connected world. The Hospitality and Tourism professional will obtain competence to improve a training focused on proposing and promoting projects related to your area in the field of work, that at a world level, is playing.
The knowledge in technology taught in the chair, added to the bibliographic research, will be will be the fundamental axis to build a professional who knows how to learn and adapt to needs and demands of a changing market. Well, technology has the disadvantage of demand constant updating, because it rapidly advances. Therefore, the development is promoted of the scientific heritage and constant research otherwise knowledge is left expired It is for this reason that the focus of the subject is constituted in teaching the student the how to stay updated, where to look for information and how to discern the data for sift the uplifting from the surface and propose improvements in their professional performance environment.

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