DATE: Wednesday, 2  - May - 2018
TOPIC: Introduction to the Matter.
OBJECTIVE: Know the fundamentals of the subject and the topics to be dealt with during the semester.

In class we talked about the different points that a good diffusion of a tourist accommodation should have. the applications that provide real and important information for the stay in some place.
It was possible to appreciate new words in our lexicon such as:
  • Gamification
  • Citizen Science
  • Web 3.0
  • Group Ware
  • Serious Game
  • Big Data

Plus additional visualized by tourists in a tourist establishment at the time of spending pleasant moments with family or friends.

Make a mental map with each new word treated in the class.
  • Gamification
  • Citizen Science
  • Web 3.0
  • Group Ware
  • Serious Game
  • Big Data

DATE:  Monday, 7  - May - 2018

E-Business is an Internet business model that was created in the year 95. It uses a very broad support technology that tries as much as possible to evolve the environment that surrounds it. business online has allowed the company to create a lot of money as long as it can be used correctly; can be purchased from an appliance to a vegetable. In our environment we are not as advanced in this type of medium as large countries do that all their objects are commissioned from large powers in the market to their homes just by clicking on the product they want and their payments are made from their own homes, jobs or even in a cafeteria with only having at hand the credit card or debit can take it.


Encourage students to use the Internet business in order to promote their different tourist products.

  1. Look for an application with citizen science that helps the Hospitality and Tourism. 
  2. Which is a responsive system

DATE:  Wednesday, 9  - May - 2018

Currently the internet is very helpful, this means has allowed the creation of a number of applications with science citizenship -which is the verification of all the information provided by the app by scientific staff or understood in the subject- to allow the helps tourism professionals to expand their knowledge in addition to allowing tourists from other places who can come safely to our country.
Of the 24 applications researched by the 5th level students of Hospitality and Tourism, the ones that called the most were:

  1. Google Trips
  2. Ictio 
  3. Arbolapp
  4. Ecuador Travel App
  5. Appear
  6. Birdseyegalapagos
  7. Ibird Lite 
  8. Inaturalist
  9. Pl@ntnet
  10. Ecuador Travel Guide



Applications for tourism purposes in the country to increase knowledge of tourists and tourism professionals

  1. Investigate the hotel chain of values. 
  2. Use the matrix of companies and look for examples. 
  3. Make the sale of an article on the OLX page. 
  4. Write in a paragraph of 50 words the Because OLX can help tourism and what would be the payment plans.

DATE: Monday, 14  - May - 2018

In today's class the respective task revision was carried out and on the blackboard all the students of the 5th level of Hospitality and Tourism wrote examples about the business matrix, as follows:
  • A2C: SRI
  • B2C: CLARO
After having made the matrix of companies we proceeded to make a group work on the value chain of a real company. Interviews were conducted with the owners of these entities in order to know the way of work and the shortcomings of these businesses.



Application of business matrix and value chain to a real business.


DATE: Wednesday, 16  - May - 2018
TOPIC: Introduction to Blogger
OBJECTIVE:Use to application in laboratory


  • enviroment
  • create post
  • create lavels
My  blogger


 Use blogger for tu class


DATE:  Monday, 21  - May - 2018
TOPIC: Basic Principles
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of factors that influence the business of E-Business.
                         Analyze the web consumer psychology.

In today's class we analyze the different factors that influence business on the internet.
There is the tangibilidas and distance where are the businesses, the transport, the technology, the intangibility, the globalization among others.
Confidence and security when selling, when charging, when loyalty and when buying to try.
There are the reasons for what people buy and the psychological factors that are the customs when buying such as seeing, bargaining, among others.
All these factors are important because they help the competitiveness of the market, allow close commercial ties between customers, suppliers and employers, and finally allow interlinking with other companies allowing the purchase and sale to be faster and easier.
We also talk about Business Intelligence, which is the ability to transform data into information, and information into knowledge, in order to optimize the decision-making process in business.

RESULTKnow the different factors that influence the consumer and the internet businesses with their respective components.
In addition to knowing what is the Business Intelligence is the ability to transform data into information, and knowledge information so that you can optimize the decision-making process in business.


  1.  Create an infographic about a practical exercise on the Soho CRM page.
  2. From the applications provided by the teacher select one and carry out an investigation on the history of the company, the characteristics of the tabs of the application, make a practical case and prepare material for exhibition in class.
DATE: Wednesday, 23  - May - 2018
TOPIC: Apps Web
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the functioning of web apps in the context of tourism.

In today's class we learned how to use some applications that we can use as tourism professionals.
Such is the case of apps:
Foursquare: This application allows users to know about commercial premises with exact location, details of the premises, promotions and know the opinions of visitors.

Google My Business: This application allows you to register commercial premises so that the isms have a website where we can publish the products we offer, contacts, promotions, among others.

Custom Menu Restaurant: This application is very helpful for food establishments allows, to those in charge of orders to streamline their work with the use of mobile devices.

Waiterio: This application is very helpful for food establishments, it allows the responsible for orders to streamline their work with the use of mobile devices. In this app we can see tables available, orders from customers, billing, among others.

In today's class we learned how to use 4 applications that help us streamline our work as Tour Guides, waiters and even as Designers of our own Web page. 

DATE:  Monday, 28  - May - 2018
TOPIC: Apps Web
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the functioning of web apps in the context of tourism.

In today's class we learned how to use some applications that we can use as tourism professionals.
Such is the case of apps:

Waze: This application allows you to go to different places, it is a map that allows to see in real time the traffic, the premises that we are looking for. In addition this application allows certain people to modify the routes as long as they are reliable people for the application.
 W&O Pos: This application is very helpful for people in charge of restaurants. In this application one can take orders and automatically this comes to those in charge of the kitchen and to the administrators. It also allows giving or sending summaries of each work day through Gmail. It has a calculator in the app to be able to do some necessary calculations although it is not necessary because this application gives you all the payments to be made and if the client wants physical invoice with commands, it can be sent to print or if not only share by where the client want.


In today's class we learned how to use 2 applications that help us streamline our work as Tour Guides, waiters and even as Designers of our own Web page.


DATE:  Wednesday, 30 - May - 2018
TOPIC: Consumer psychology.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the behavior of the consumer before the sale.

When a person wants to buy a product, there are some factors that allow this transfer to take place. There are also many factors that we have to take into account when choosing a product.
In the action of the purchase, the following is taken into account:
  • Intrinsic Motivation: That is that motivation that obeys internal motives of the person.
  • Extrinsic Motivation: That is the one where a reward is received.
  • Combined Motivation: It is the result or mixture of learned behaviors with unlearned behaviors.
  • Motivation Learned: They are configuring through social contact. They are not necessary and fundamental reasons for human survival.
  • Unlearned Motivation: They are fundamental for the organism to survive or stay alive.
We also have the peripheral vision that is that organizations must be able to focus the world with a wide angle lens to see how their actions relate to other spheres of the same activity.

In this class we learned what the factors are and what emotions the consumer takes into account when choosing a product or a service. It is necessary to emphasize that in many of the occasions the economic environment that surrounds us takes a lot of importance in this action. 


DATE:  Monday, 4 -June- 2018
TOPIC: Global Elecvtronic Commerce  and Collaboration
OBJECTIVE: Identify what electronic commerce involves globally 

Summary of chapter 2 of the book Global and Collaborative Electronic Commerce.


In this class we learned about the use of social networks in companies in addition to having knowledge of how important is the use of these media in the business field and all the advantages and disadvantages of its use. It also informs about the managers of each department where information that helps decision making is stored.


DATE:  Wednesday, 6 -June- 2018
TOPIC: Apps Web
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the functioning of web apps in the context of tourism.


Trello is a project management software with web interface, client for iOS and android to organize projects.
It emerged in 2010 as a project by Federico Stella. In 2011 the first version came out as a web application and client for iPhone. In 2012, the Android version was released. For 2014 Trello Inc. was created separating from Fog. On January 9, 2017 it was sold to Atlassian for 425 million dollars.
Using the kanban system, to record activities with virtual cards, organize tasks, add lists, attach files, tag events, add comments and share boards.
Trello is a virtual board in which you can hang ideas, tasks, images or links. It is versatile and easy to use and can be used for any type of task that requires organizing information.

Available in 21 languages, with web interface, clients for iOS and android.


Slack is a team communication tool created by Stewart Butterfield, Eric Costello, Cal Henderson, and Serguei Mourachov. Slack emerges as an internal tool used by the company Tiny Speck in the development of Glitch, an online game that is currently obsolete. Slack was launched in August 2013 and achieved a record of 8,000 customers in the first 24 hours.
Slack offers chat rooms organized by topics, as well as private groups and direct messages. It has a search box that allows access to all the content of the application. Slack integrates a large number of services to third parties and supports the integrations made by the community. The main additions include services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Heroku, Crashlytics, GitHub, Trello and Zendesk.
On March 18, 2015 Slack announced an official application for Microsoft Windows. It also provides applications for Mac, iOS, and Android. It is also available for Apple Watch, allowing users to send direct messages, view comments and respond. It was shown in a promotional video on the main screen of the Apple Watch. Slack also has a Web version accessible from any browser. There is also an unofficial client for Linux.


In this class we learned the use of two very interesting apps that is TRELLO and SLACK. These apps allow us to create platforms to keep our groups of potential clients informed of all our offers and promotions, where they can express their concerns and at the same time be able to help them immediately.


Perform a practical exercise in the Tripcase App.


DATE: Monday, 11 -June- 2018
TOPIC: Organizations that learn.
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of strategies and disciplines for continuous improvement.

There are five disciplines so that organizations can learn completely and simply and are:

  • The personal domain
  • Systematic learning
  • The mental models
  • The shared vision

The administration of knowledge in strategic planning uses the information systems that allow processing, classifying, ordering and calculating the inputs and outputs and thus make an order among providers, customers, competitors, shareholders and regulatory agencies.
In the same way there are types of systems and types of subsystems such as:
  • Transaction processing systems (TPS) that are used at the operational level
  • Office systems and Knowledge work systems (KWS) that are systems at the level of knowledge
  • Decision support systems (DSS) and Management information systems (MIS) that help administrative systems
  • Executive Support Systems (ESS) that helps at a strategic level

In this class we learned about all the processes that involve good decision making in business and consumer behavior, about all the systems involved in knowledge strategies and what it implies and what is the organization of this information system.


DATE:  Wednesday 13 -June- 2018
TOPIC: Strategies to consider for the development of Business.
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of the evolution of competitive advantages.

The development of a competitive advantage has 3 types of vantajas that are:

  • The cost advantage
  • The advantage of product differentiation and
  • The transaction advantage

These have their own characteristics:

  • They provide personalized attention
  • Specific and particular support to each client
  • They collect information from prospects and clients
  • Manage the delivery of products or services
  • Generate the preferences of prospects and customers
  • Generate quotes and billings
  • Execute advertising campaigns
  • Your documentation is shared and centralized in a database.

In this class we learned about the competitive advantages of online businesses that are 3 in addition to the 7 characteristics that have these competitive advantages.



DATE: Monday, 18- June- 2018
TOPIC: Strategies to consider for the development of Business.
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of the evolution of competitive advantages.

In today's class we read a paper on sustainability of technology where it was possible to draw as main ideas:
  • Google and Amazon completely redefined the app and platforms to take advantage of the use of technology.
  • The most important thing in electronic commerce became a world linked to each other.
  • The most important thing in electronic commerce is the trade that each business has on the web.
  • The key to the usability of the website is the user's experience.
  • The law of electronic commerce according to Jacobson is that if users do not find the product, they will not be able to buy it.
  • The web architecture is without drivers, without owners and without data integration.
  • The accuracy, the ineligibility, integrity and relevance of the information is important for consumer satisfaction.
  • The linked data provides the ability to establish association links between concepts in different data sets producing interrelated high quality versions of linked web data.
  • The elements of difficulty in the problem of semantic intreoperability in commerce are: the following of the data, the discovery of new meanings from existing data.

The most important thing in e-commerce is the commerce that each business has on the web. The key to the usability of the website is the user's experience. It is for this reason that we must keep abreast with technological advances.


DATE: Wednesday, 20 - June - 2018
TOPIC:  Evaluation of partial and video analysis The dabbawalas of Mumbai.

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate knowledge acquired in the course of the units analyzed.



DATE: Monday, 2 - July - 2018
TOPIC:  Promotional videos of tourist attractions of the Province El Oro
OBJECTIVE: Observation of videos Promotional of tourist attractions of the Province with the purpose of potentializing the destination.

Members: Renny Contento, Jair Burgos
Members: Edison Lazo, Diego Montesinos
Members: Paulina Bermeo, Juan Elizalde
Members:Jean Granda, Jenner Davila, Cristhian Mora
Members: Diana Salinas , Samantha Chacha
Members: Wilmer Ramon, Jenner Jaen
Members: Nelson Arévalo, Génesis Fernández , Neidy Gaona
Members: Karla Paucar, Cristhian Delgado
Members: Andres Cabrera, Marlon Calderon
Members:Melissa Rogel, Andres Sarango
Members: Dayse Barrera, Joselin Perez


The creation of the videos made is the promotion of the different attractions with which the Province has, using all the knowledge applied in the course of the levels of the studied race and information obtained by reliable sources.


DATE:  Wednesday 4 - July - 2018
TOPIC:  Entrepreneurship
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of the Canvas model.

Canvas Model

What is the Canvas model?

This tool greatly simplifies the steps to generate a profitable business model supported by the Value Proposition for the customers of our products or services.

Elements of the Canvas model

  • Customer Segments: these turn out to be the most important within the model, know and know perfectly our customers, answer the question "for whom?
  • Value Proposal: here it is very important to discover how we want to generate VALUE for our clients, with innovative and novel proposals. Answer the question ¿What?
  • Channel: How to deliver the value proposition for our customers? How do we get the products to our customers?
  • Relationship with Clients: What kind of relationship do our clients expect, what relationship do we have now?
  • Income Flow: what is the value that our customers are willing to pay for our products?
  • Key Resources: what key resources do I need to generate Value in my products?
  • Key Activities: what key activities do I need to develop to generate value in my products or service?
  • Alliances: this block is very important since we must define which will be our strategic partners in suppliers, customers and shareholders among others.
  • Costs: it is very important to know what cost structure I will implement since at this point we will know what utility we could have from our business

Advantages and disadvantages of the Canvas model

Main advantages
  • Simplicity of interpretation. the organized distribution of the 9 elements allows such simplicity.
  • Integral and systemic approach. the interpretation of all the elements makes any possible incoherence more visible.
  • Changes and repercussions. The analysis of each alternative allows us to test the feasibility of changes
  • Any size, any activity. It is a model applicable to all types of business, regardless of its purpose and its turnover.
  • Synergy and teamwork. The simplicity of the method facilitates the generation of ideas and different contributions from a group of people who come together to develop it.
  • Strategic analysis on a sheet. Powerful tool for strategic analysis: SWOT, market analysis, competitors, customers, suppliers, structures and processes.
Main inconveniences
  • Not precise, it does not work for concrete operations
  • It must be complemented with a detailed process map
  • Because it is so new, it can make us believe that by completing the canvas we already have the model solved
Model of matrix for the elaboration of a Canvas Model
The Canvas Model is a star tool in the strategic and business management of a business. The Canvas model allows you to see and mold in a single folio, structured in nine elements (Customer Segment, Value Proposal, Customer Relationship, Distribution Channel, Communication and Advertising Strategy, Revenues, Key Activities, Key Resources, Partners key, Cost structure), which is the model of our business. And best of all, it is so simple that it can be applied in any scenario, be it a small, medium and large company. In addition, it not only serves for new companies but also for those that are already established.

DATE: Monday, 9 - July - 2018
TOPIC:  Analysis of success stories.
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of different applications that were successful in the electronic business.


E-commerce or electronic commerce is a method of buying and selling goods, products or services using the Internet as a means, that is, trading online.

This type of commerce has become very popular with the rise of the Internet and broadband, as well as the growing interest of users to buy online.

The e-commerce has a series of advantages with respect to traditional commerce:

  • Availability 24 hours during the 365 days of the year for the client.
  • There are no geographical barriers for the client.
  • Competitive advantage with respect to traditional commerce.
  • Possibility of segmenting clients by working online, improving communication and launching specialized campaigns.
  • Extend the reach of your business to new users, but reduce it to others.
Types of E-commerce
There are different types of e-commerce depending on the nature of your transactions and how they generate your income. These are a sample of the many that exist.
  • B2B (Business-to-Business): Companies that trade with other companies or organizations.
  • B2C (Business-to-Consumer): Companies that trade with consumers. It is the most usual.
  • B2G (Business-to-Government): Companies that trade with government institutions.
  • C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer): Trade between individuals, that is, consumers who sell and sell to other customers.
  • C2B (Consumer-to-Business): Consumers who sell to businesses, very popular in second-hand products.
The e-commerce consists in the distribution, sale, purchase, marketing and supply of information of products or services through the Internet.

Originally, the term applied to the realization of transactions through electronic means, such as electronic data exchange.

DATE:  Wednesday 11 - July - 2018
TOPIC:  Analysis of success stories.
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of different applications that were successful in the electronic business.



E-commerce refers to the use of the Internet and the Web to conduct business transactions. Stated in a more formal way, it deals with commercial transactions with digital capacity between organizations and individuals. For the most part, this refers to the negotiations that occur through the Internet and the Web. Commercial transactions involve the exchange of value (ie, money) through organizational or individual limits, in exchange for products and services.

E-commerce began in 1995 when one of the first Internet portals,, accepted the first announcements from certain major corporations and popularized the idea that the Web service could be used as a new means of advertising and sales. No one imagined at that time what would turn out to be an exponential growth curve for e-commerce retail sales, which doubled and tripled in the first few years.

E-commerce grew with double-digit rates until the recession of 2008-2009, when growth slowed considerably until it almost stopped. In 2009, e-commerce revenues remained at a constant level, which was not bad given that traditional retail sales were falling at a rate of 5 percent per year. In fact, e-commerce during the recession was the only stable segment in retail sales. Some online retailers continued to advance at a record pace: Amazon's revenue in 2009 rose 25 percent compared to 2008 sales.
• Online sales to consumers increased to an approximate amount of $ 225 billion in 2010, an increase of more than 12 percent compared to 2009

• The number of individuals of all ages online in the United States expanded to 221 million in 2010, a considerable increase compared to 147 million in 2004.

• An estimated 80 million households had broadband access to the Internet in 2010, which represented about 68 percent of all households.

• On an average day, an estimated 128 million adult users in the United States connect to the Internet.

• B2B trade-Internet use for business-to-business commerce and collaboration between business partners expanded to more than $ 3.6 billion.

The electronic commerce revolution continues to expand. Individuals and businesses will increasingly use the Internet to conduct business operations, as more and more products and services are online, and many more households switch to broadband telecommunications. Electronic commerce will transform more industries, including those dedicated to travel bookings, music and entertainment, news, software, education and finance. Table 10-1 highlights these new developments in electronic commerce.

Generating content from users and social networks In contrast to previous technologies, Internet and e-commerce technologies have evolved to be much more social, by allowing users to create and share content with their personal friends (and a more great worldwide) in the form of text, videos, music or photos. By using these forms of communication, users can create new social networks and strengthen existing ones.


The location, synchronization and business income models are based in a certain part on the cost and distribution of the information. The Internet has created a digital market where millions of people around the world can exchange massive amounts of information directly, instantly and without cost. As a result, the Internet has changed the way companies conduct business and has increased their global reach.
Digital markets are very flexible and efficient because they operate with reduced search and transaction costs, lower menu costs (the costs for traders to change prices), higher price discrimination and the ability to change prices in a dynamic way, based on market conditions. In the dynamic adjustment of prices, the price of a product varies depending on the characteristics of the customer's demand, or the situation of the seller's offer.

The digital market of Internet has expanded considerably the sales of digital products: products that can be offered through a digital network. Music tracks, videos, Hollywood movies, software, newspapers, magazines and books can be expressed, stored, offered and sold only as digital products. Currently, most of these products are sold as physical products; for example, CDs, DVDs, newspapers and printed books. But the Internet offers the possibility of offering all these products on demand as digital products.


E-commerce has grown from a few ads in the first Web portals in 1995, to cover more than 6 percent of all retail sales in 2010 (an approximate amount of $ 255 billion), which exceeds the commercial activities of the catalogs of orders by conventional mail.


• E-commerce from business to consumer (B2C) involves the retail sale of products and services to individual buyers.
• Business to business (B2B) e-commerce involves the sale of products and services between companies
• Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) electronic commerce involves consumers who sell directly to other consumers.


The changes in the information economy described above have created the conditions for the appearance of completely new business models, while destroying other business models. Table 10-5 describes some of the most important Internet business models that have emerged. Everyone, in one way or another, uses the Internet to add additional value to existing products and services, or to provide the basis for new products and services.


The income model of a firm describes how it will earn revenue, generate profits and produce a superior return on investment. Although many different e-commerce revenue models have been developed, many companies rely on one, or a certain combination, of the following six revenue models: advertising, sales, subscription, free / freemium, transaction fee, and affiliate.
  • Ad revenue model
  • Sales revenue model
  • Subscription revenue model
  • Free / freemium revenue model
  • Fee-for-transaction revenue model
  • Affiliate income model
Internet has opened many interesting possibilities to organize and operate a business, which are transforming organizations and the use of information systems in everyday life. The Internet is creating a universal platform to buy and sell products and to drive important business processes within the company.

The Internet is, perhaps, the best-known and largest implementation of network interconnection: the linking of thousands of individual networks around the world. This gigantic network of networks has become an important catalyst for both electronic commerce and electronic business.

Nowadays, anyone with a computer, a modem and the willingness to pay a small fee for use, can access it through an Internet service provider.

An Internet service provider is a business organization that has a permanent connection to the Internet and sells temporary connections to its subscribers. Individuals can also access the Internet through popular online services such as America Online, and through networks established by giants such as Microsoft and AT & T.

DATE:  Monday 16 - July - 2018
TOPIC:  E-business today.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the current situation of electronic businesses and their trends, to generate valuable ideas for tourism entrepreneurship.

The Cluetrain Manifesto created in 1999 by Fredrick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls and David Weinberger consists of a list of 95 conclusions ordered and presented as a manifesto, or a call to action, for all companies operating in what is suggested a market with new connections.

The interesting thing about this is that it was published just after the "Bubble of the dot com" exploded, a moment in which there was a rapid growth of shares in companies linked to the then new Internet sector and the so-called New Economy. But with the passage of time, the vast majority of these organizations went bankrupt due to flaws in their business models.

The Cluetrain Manifesto collects and organizes the learning that was obtained from this financial catastrophe. And he laid the foundations for what we currently live with social networks and hyperconnectivity.
  • Key train manifest analysis, the 95 theses

This document with laws analyzes what works and what does not work in marketing. These are logical laws, which come from the attempt to put oneself in the place of the consumer. And it is not always enough to achieve success apply the necessary energy and strive more.
  • The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

These two documents allow to know laws and phrases that have a lot of information in a few words, which mention the risks to which the big companies are confronted and how the client can help the emergence of it. The companies currently have a great help that is technology, this means can help the rise of the mass knowing how to use it correctly and to the failure also if it is not used as it should be.
DATE:  Wednesday 18 - July - 2018
TOPIC:  E-Business Strategy.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the E-business strategies that are applied to a certain segment to define the best business techniques.

What is a strategy?

A strategy is a set of actions that are carried out to achieve a certain purpose.
What is a strategic planning?
Strategic planning can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating interfunctional decisions that allow the organization to carry out its objectives.

  • Strategy is the only way by which the organization generates value.
  • Less than 10% of strategic plans are successful.
  • In 70% of cases, the problem is due to a bad strategy or poor execution.
  • The strategies may vary but not the tools for their measurement.
  • It is estimated that the management team takes less than an hour a month to the strategy

There are 4 kinds of strategies:
  • E. Corporate
  • E. Business
  • E. Functional
  • E. Operation
The Objectives to propose a strategy are:
  • View
  • Strategy
  • Objectives (financial, customer, internal processes, growth)
  • Indicators (financial, customer, internal processes, growth)
The 8 essential principles of E-Business:
  1. Know the customer
  2. Multi-channel interaction with the customer
  3. Customize the customer experience
  4. Optimize the value of each client
  5. Focus on 100% Customer satisfaction
  6. E-Business global architecture, focused on the client
  7. Extend the ecosystem
  8. Organizational culture on the excellence of E-Business

An ebusiness strategy is a set of actions that are carried out to achieve a certain purpose or business. There are 4 types of strategies the corporate, the business, the functional, the operation. To design good stereotypes one must take into account the vision, strategies, objectives and indicators.


DATE:  Monday 23 - July - 2018
TOPIC:  E-Business Strategy.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the different E-Business strategies to adapt them to customer service.

BODEGA: It is the space where the reception, storage and movements of materials, raw materials and semi-finished products are executed, up to the point of consumption by an external or internal customer. The warehouse is a space destined, under certain conditions, for the storage of different goods.

DELIVERY SERVICE: A correctly delivered home delivery process will allow your business to increase customer satisfaction and therefore generate an increase in the acquisition of your services or products.

DELIVERY: The delivery time is a fundamental point in the home delivery process but it is not only summarized in delivering a service or product in the shortest time possible, in many cases the customer what he wants is to have the product or service hired in the precise moment, not in the shortest time, an example: A client prefers to receive a modular sofa in his house once he has installed the carpet, having it before could reduce space and mobility for workers.

PRODUCT: Your product will greatly influence the general functioning of the delivery service. If you offer fresh foods such as fruits or vegetables, the delivery must be made within a short period of time, if the items you sell require installation you could offer as an added value the installation service at a low price or for free.

DELIVERY ZONES: The home delivery service must be designed to reach a large number of people, if the service for any reason does not reach the main areas where most of your customers are concentrated, you should think that in the long run you could become a double-edged sword. Customers who can not enjoy the service will feel excluded and therefore lose confidence in your business.

INVENTORY SYSTEM: An inventory system is a set of rules, methods and procedures applied in a systematic way to plan and control the materials and products used in an organization. This system can be manual or automated.


Making deliveries of your services is possible provided you have the necessary fleet of vehicles, this option will obviously increase the investment to be made considerably. On the other hand subcontracting a home delivery company is very common and will save you big investments and paperwork.

DATE:  Wednesday 25 - July - 2018
TOPIC:  Unit lesson.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the different knowledge acquired in the first unit.

DATE:  Monday 30 - July- 2018
TOPIC:  E-Business Strategy.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the different E-Business strategies to adapt them to customer service.


DATE:  Wednesday 01 - Agoust - 2018
TOPIC:  E-Business Opportunities
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the tools of the marketplace.
The Marketplace

The Marketplace: It is a website that allows both sellers and buyers to interact with each other to make a commercial transaction. In this type of platform, buyers and sellers remain in the technical and commercial environment of the sector until the transaction is finalized. Therefore, this "virtual shopping center" serves to facilitate the sale between the seller and the buyer, ensuring that the transaction will take place under the best conditions.

  1. Content
  • Corporate Information (Company directory, catalog)
  • Transaction Information
  • Market Information
  • Credit Certificates
      2. To application and Maintenance
  • Comparators
  • Support for sending XML documents
  • Advice
  • Evolutionary Maintenance
  • Evolution Maintenance
     3. Process
  • Financial
  • Logistics
  • Shopping center
COMPUTING IN THE CLOUD: Cloud computing is a general term to refer to anything that has to do with the provision of hosting services through the Internet. These services are divided into three broad categories: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). The name cloud computing was inspired by the cloud symbol that is often used to represent the Internet in images and flowcharts.

  • Costs It could be the most attractive advantage that computing has in the cloud, and if it is not, at least it is the most obvious of all that this technology offers. By leaving the responsibility for the implementation of the infrastructure to the provider, the client does not have to worry about buying computer equipment, training personnel for the configuration and maintenance of these, and in some cases, for the development of the software. In addition, the user of these services only pays for the resources he uses, allowing him to design a payment plan normally from the time it is used (memory, processing, storage).
  • Competitiveness By not having to buy expensive equipment, small businesses can have access to the newest technologies at prices within their reach paying only for consumption. In this way organizations of any kind could compete on an equal footing in IT areas with companies of any size. The competitive advantage is not in the one who has the computing resources but in the one who uses them best.
  • Availability. The provider is obliged to ensure that the service is always available to the customer. In this sense, virtualization plays a fundamental role, since the provider can make use of this technology to design a redundant infrastructure that allows it to offer a constant service according to the client's specifications.
  • Abstraction of the technical part. As mentioned when talking about costs, the cloud computing allows the client the possibility of forgetting the implementation, configuration and maintenance of equipment; transferring this responsibility to the service provider.
  • Access from any geographical point. The use of applications designed on the paradigm of computing in the cloud can be accessible from any computer in the world that is connected to the Internet. Access is usually done from a web browser, which allows the application to be used not only from a desktop computer or a laptop, but goes further, allowing the user to make use of the application even from mobile devices such as smartphones .
  • Scalability The client does not have to worry about updating the computer equipment on which the application he / she is running is used, nor about updating operating systems or installing security patches, since it is the obligation of the service provider to perform this type of service. updates In addition, these are transparent to the client, so the application must continue to be available to the user at all times even when the process of updating the provider's side is being performed. Updates and new features are installed almost immediately.
  • Concentration of efforts in business processes. As a result of the aforementioned advantages, the client can concentrate more resources and efforts towards a more strategic and transcendent aspect, which has a direct impact on the business processes of the organization, transferring to the provider the responsibility of the implementation, configuration and maintenance of the infrastructure necessary for the application to run.


  • Privacy. It is understandable the perception of insecurity generated by a technology that puts information (sensitive in many cases), in servers outside the organization, leaving the data provider responsible for the data. The issue to be discussed here is that of privacy, since for many it is extremely difficult to entrust their sensitive information to third parties and consider that what the cloud computing proposes puts at risk the vital information for business processes.
  • Availability. While it is true that availability was previously included as an advantage, it remains a responsibility that belongs solely to the service provider, so if your redundancy system fails and fails to keep the service available to the user, it does not You can take no corrective action to restore the service. In this case, the client should wait for the problem to be resolved on the provider's side.
  • Lack of control over resources. By having all the infrastructure and even the application running on servers that are in the cloud, that is, on the provider side, the client completely lacks control over resources and even information, once it is uploaded to Cloud.
  • Dependence. In a solution based on computing in the cloud, the client becomes dependent not only on the service provider, but also on his Internet connection, because the user must be permanently connected in order to reach the system that is in the cloud .
  • Integration. Not all environments are easy or practical to integrate


In conclusion The Marketplace is a business model constantly increasing both in Spain and in other countries. The company that wishes it, can upload their products or services to sell online in the Marketplace and any potential customer can access them, buy them or order them. Nowadays, there are multiple platforms that already use this model. Here are the differences between the two most popular e-commerce platforms: Rakuten and Amazon.
And cloud computing, also known as cloud services, cloud computing, cloud computing, cloud of concepts or simply "the cloud", is a paradigm that allows to offer computer services through a network, which usually It is Internet.

DATE:  Monday 06 - Agoust - 2018
TOPIC:  E-Business Opportunities
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the tools of the marketplace.

DATE:  Wednesday 08 - Agoust - 2018
TOPIC:  E-Business Opportunities
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the tools of the marketplace.


Penguin is the official name for the update of the Google algorithm designed to fight the webspam. This update was launched in April 2012.

It focuses on the off-site factors of a website, rewarding those sites that have a profile of links with links of high quality and unmanaged domains, and trying to punish those pages that have violated the Google guidelines, which have profiles of Unnatural links, too many links in low quality sites, etc.

It was Google who, from the beginning, decided that the links generated to a website were a sign that their content was relevant. That's why everyone started generating links to gogo. However, Google Penguin is a "where I said, I say Diego".

The improvements that implement the algorithm include a better detection of links of little value, bought, in networks of articles, directories and basically any dynamic that implies trying to modify the profile of links of your web. The best way to ensure that Penguin does not penalize you is to respect Google's guidelines and passively generate links through your content.

How does SEO change with Google Penguin?

  • Natural links, that is, generated passively or through real value. Syndication of articles, spinning, hidden links, directories (free or paid), promotions that result in links, etc. are prohibited.
  • Variety of anchor text: It no longer makes sense to generate links with a link text that you want to position. If Google detects a pattern that does not consider natural it can penalize you.
  • Search in your niche: The most valuable links are those of domains and pages of your niche or that speak of topics with a relationship.
  • Quality, not quantity: It is preferable to generate few links of quality that many of little value.

Penguin is the new update of the algorithm that Google has implemented last April 24 and which aims to detect and penalize websites that supposedly try to artificially increase their popularity through a strategy of super optimized links and relying on websites of low quality.
Google intends to clean results that offer little value to the user of the first search positions, enhancing the websites with higher quality compared to those who have achieved better positions in a "non-natural" way.

DATE:  Monday 13 - Agoust - 2018
TOPIC:  Web Page
OBJECTIVE: Creation of a Web Page to publicize content of a travel agency
                                                WEB PAGE 


DATE:  Wednesday 15 - Agoust - 2018
TOPIC:  Google Analitics 
OBJECTIVE: Search Engine Positioning.

                                      GOOGLE ANALITICS

The operation of Google Analytics is based on 3 processes, data collection, processing and creation of reports.

The data collection process begins when a visitor requests a page from our server. The server responds by sending the requested page to the user's browser (step 1). When the browser processes the data, it contacts other servers that house parts of the requested page. This is the case of the Google Analytics Tracking Code.

The visitor's browser asks the code to a Google Analytics server (step 2) that responds by sending it to them. All the code is inside a file called Urchin.js or GA.js. Once the browser receives the code it starts running while the rest of the page is loaded.
During the execution, the code identifies attributes of the visitor and their browsing environment, such as how many times they have visited their site, where they come from, etc.

After collecting all data, the code creates or updates a series of cookies (step 3) on the visitor's computer. These cookies are used to store visitor information. Once the cookies are written, the code sends the information to the Google Analytics server by requesting an invisible GIF file (step 4).

When the Google Analytics server receives this request, it saves the data in a huge text file called Log File (step 5). Google Analytics creates a line of data in the file for each page viewed.

Each line contains numerous attributes of the page page that include:

When the page was viewed (date and time).
Where the visitor comes from (website from which they come, search engine, etc.).
How many times has the user visited us (number of visits).
Where the visitor is located (geographical location).
Who is the visitor (IP address).
Once the page view is stored in the log file, the data collection process is completed. The next step is its processing.
Every few hours Google Analytics processes the data stored in the log file.

During this process each of the lines is analyzed by separating each of its attributes.
Google Analytics converts each of the attributes into an element called a field (step 6), for example, the IP address becomes the "visitor's IP" field. It is important to understand that each of the lines contains a large number of attributes and that these are stored each in a different field.

Once the fields have been filled in with the information, the filters that we have configured in Google Analytics are applied (step 7). This controls how the data appears in the Google Analytics profiles that we have created in our account.

Finally after applying the filters, the reports are created (step 8) and stored in a database (step 9).

Each report in Google Analytics is created by comparing a field, for example, the city of the visitor, with a group of data (visits, page views, conversion rate, etc.).
Once the data is stored in the database the process ends. When a user requests a report the data is obtained from the database and sent to the browser.

Once Google Analytics has processed and stored the data in the database, it can not be changed. Historical data can not be changed or reprocessed. Any failure that we have made during the configuration of the profile can permanently affect the quality of the reports.


DATE:  Monday 20- Agoust - 2018
TOPIC:  RankBrain
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of RankBrain in order to know its operation.

It is important to emphasize that the objective of all the search engines is to offer the user exactly what they are looking for and to do it quickly and easily; so updates like RankBrain are essential to improve the search experiences of Internet users.
The huge difference between Hummingbird and RankBrain is that the latter transforms words into numerical vectors; this makes the machines easier to understand this data. These vectors are used to create meanings around their related terms, that is, to look for synonyms between key words. This makes RankBrain detect common patterns that relate to each other and the results of searches are even more accurate.


Google uses an algorithm with self-learning capability. With this statement, the neuroscientist Greg Corrado, promoter of the Google Brain project, surprised during an interview with the Bloomberg agency on October 15, 2015, where he confirmed that Google relies on artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret queries from users using a system called "RankBrain", already integrated in the search engine algorithm months before the publication of the interview.

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